Saturday, June 10, 2006

"Wait, this has no tur kwa in it." "Yah what, is fishball noodle got no tur kwa what." "But I said I wanted tur kwa." "No, you didn't." "Yes, I did."

Now that my com has suddenly decided to start working again after a brief scare of no internet connectivity last night, think I'd better catch up on blogging.

Monday to Thursday was ODAC LTC, and it was fun, and somewhat slack for us (the J2 non-exco members). First day was all the admin stuff, then off to Ubin for land expedition, no part of which came from my proposal. Seems that after Nordin rejected my proposal entirely without batting an eye or flicking through it, Clarence denied having anything to do with it, although he was the one who wanted an urban expedition this year, and then went on to create his own Ubin proposal with his lapdog Mingsong. I couldn't have much part in that either cuz a lot of discussions, plannings and preparations were held during inconvenient times for me. Anyway, we went to Ubin and set the J1s and their group leaders (bless them) on their way, and then Alex, Veron, ZH and me went for cards. Went to eat with Becca and Ying Ying as well (no hor fun). The whole day was spent playing cards, delivering water and marking checkpoints with lightsticks when it got dark. Moved everything to the jetty when it threatened to rain. Hanging out there was fun, and when we had nothing to do, we played card games and the Suaku Game (Jamie kept winning) all night long. And we had fun stealing flags and first aid kits from the teams.

I realised that when I'm sleeping on a hard surface (like the jetty floor) I tend to put my hands one on top of the other on my chest, like a body in a coffin. Alex said I looked like a dead man.

Next day was sea expedition from Changi SSC to Pasir Ris SSC. Not very far. Nordin was a real chee bye kia that day. He refused to let Zilin sit the sea ex out, even though she was only asleep for 1 1/2 hours that night as she was the only one keeping guard over the sleeping J1s from dogs. None of us were happy with him for that, especially since he himself said he would help to keep watch. And because of the weather, they suddenly changed the number of single seater kayaks from six to four, so I had to take a kayak with Volup (not real name) one of the J1 girls. Meng Wee then proceeded to seize every subsequent opportunity to take the mickey out of me. I didn't bring rations with me, so a few others like Chong Xun and Cindy were kind enough to share theirs with me. It's the school's money, anyway. During the stopover at Pasir Ris, Wipes asked me to take his single kayak, cuz he got tired of having to stay up front as expedition leader. So now he got the double kayak with Volup, and MW and I thought we saw a smile on his face. I took over Zhi Hui as last man and I understood what he meant by sian.

Paddle. Stop. Paddle. Stop. Watch the laggers go past. Paddle. Stop.

After the sea ex, went home briefly for a very welcome bath, then back to school to help with building the Stamimania structures, which the J1s had to tackle the next day. That night wasn't much, just a lot of scolding. We saw a side of Wipes we never knew existed. He can actually be really fierce. I shook his hand later. We all did. And yet he still comes off likable, cuz he can be a clown sometimes.

Slept in the ODAC room that night. Don't even notice the ropey smell now. Clarence sprawled over the couch at the first instant, so I curled up in one of the lounge chairs. Weird.

Next day was Stamimania. Did the Temple Pole, helped to rig harnesses and all that shit. Afternoon was games. Alex, Zhi Hui and I did the Dirty Slope. Really really fun. Had to leave halfway, quick shower, then off to church for the Welcome PnW. Only one new member showed up. Pathetic. So we sang and we shared and we played the guitars. The new guy, Gabriel, mixed rather well with our group. We more or less agreed that Timothy shouldn't be allowed near the guitars (especially the bass) if we ever used the Music Room on subsequent occasions.

Rushed back to school. Apparently I missed Nordin coming through with his promise of buying all the J2s bubble tea, cuz that was what everyone was drinking. I was mildly surprised cuz they didn't need recorded evidence of the promise (which was in my phone) to convince him. Maybe they had another source, I dunno. Campfire that night was fun. It was raining so they improvised by shifting it to the audi carpark and made a small campfire out of tealights. Really lame night. Caught a really good shot of Clarence and May's bread kiss, just at the flash from Yue Zhi's cam went on. w00t! The non-exco had a rather hushed bitching session that night while the exco were doing the interviews. Slept in E105 that night, on a bed made of desks. Not bad.

Last day was pioneering, so the rest of us didn't have much to do. Played blackjack with Jon, Zhe Wei and later Clarence, but we bet pushups instead of money (standard bet was 5 pushups). Did more than a hundred that day. I dunno why but for most of the day I was really shagged. Slept in the ODAC room for a while. When I woke up they were doing some team games. The end of the camp came soon. We crowned Jimmy as the new Xia Jian President. Still have the video.

Camp was out, and I went to Macs with Alex, Zhi Hui and Kenneth, discussing scandals and the like, arguing slightly about the new exco. Was glad to get home when I did, cuz I was really tired.

I'm kinda tired of writing this right now. As you can see my language has gone quite elementary. I'm just blogging about this right now cuz I'm pretty sure I'll forget large chunks of it in a few weeks time. And also since this is the third last ODAC activity for us. After this is the handing-over ceremony and then Farewell Night. Shit... better get my speakers and Pokemon cards out of the room before they take it.