Monday, July 03, 2006

Game Movies and Movie Games

Wahaha... Kim was trying to adjust her watch just now and she asked me for help

Kim: I can't adjust my watch... it says 1145 Monday.
Russ: It is 1145 Monday...
Kim: ... oh yah....

Anyway I'm noticing a significant increase in the frequency releases of game movies and movie games. I remember the good old days when the only game movie we knew was Street Fighter. Back in the days of the SNES and things, people didn't think twice about making a Sonic movie or anything, but now we've got loads, ever since Resident Evil and Doom. And now there's at least three more coming up soon; one is Dead Or Alive *grins*, another is Hitman (47 being played by Vin Diesel), and there's also the new Halo movie. Halo! "But I just wanna play Halo...! *sobs*"

Sometimes I feel movie games are blatant exploitations of cashing in on the success of a movie. Call it merchandising, but when you go into games, gamers aren't always happy with movies rehashed into games, like Tom Yung Goong. Sometimes I feel the Harry Potter series aren't that good in games, especially when they're based on the movies. One exception is Quidditch World Cup, that was an interesting game. People like going into expanded universes with games, like in Star Wars and Lord Of The Rings. A lot of people don't like Star Wars games; they feel that those games were bland, and it's almost always the same John Williams score. Republic Commando and Empire At War were great games, however. It wasn't difficult for Empire At War to look good, cuz people compare it with Galactic Battlegrounds, that was shitty. But my favourite movie game will always be The Godfather. Wheeee... can't wait for Scarface!

Hey check this out for a game movie. Don't think it's real, though. What a waste... lol