Sunday, July 02, 2006

Er... hi

Was reading Jas' blog the other day and she was saying that she only blogs when she's feeling high, which would make sense cuz I wouldn't wanna blog about anything that made me glum unless it was important. Feeling extra high today cuz today was so fun!

Big Joe, Cheryl (poser belt), Victor, Sujata and, for once, Desmond and Dawn were at 0930 mass today. Was gloating at Des cuz he told me the other night that England would beat Portugal and I felt otherwise. Joe was sullen at how Brazil got their asses kicked by Henry.

After that, the group of us, minus Des and Dawn and plus Joan and Commando went to Yoshi for lunch. I can tell commando training did him a world of good, especially in urban camoflage; we went to buy food and there was only Cheryl there left at the table (cuz he wasn't there yet) and then when I turn back to the table with my food, there he is. Like poof.

Anyway after that we went shopping. I'm starting to like shopping... wow... went with Big Joe to RSH and bought this nice shirt. And then after that everyone started dispersing. Went back to church where I thought Mel and Jul would be, but turns out they weren't going for service as they both were late. Met them outside Mel's house and took a bus back to TM.

On the way, Jul asks me if I bought Cheryl's retirement card, which I totally forgot, being busy with school and all. Found out that she was leaving her temp job last Thursday, so I smsed Mel and Jul with this idea to get her a card. Bought one for her (Mel can draw a really cute Patrick) and then met her and Commando to head to City Hall. Gave her the card in the train, and I half expected her to start screaming things like "RUSSELL YOU PIG" for insinuating that she was old(er than us), but she liked it. Wow.

Anyway we went to the Jubilee Hall at Raffles for Small Joe's play. Romeo and Juliet. He was Romeo. And we all laughed at this when we found out last week, but he's actually good! Very lovesick and full of teen angst... he did that really well (that's just how he sounds lah). I liked the guy that played Tybalt, good stage presence. And Juliet is hot.

And then there was MORE shopping at Suntec. Ate at Carl's Jr., so now I'm feeling really fat. Then after the lovebirds left, Mel Jul and I just walked about and talked and crapped about loads of things. Mel took us to a paper store where their designer notebooks were kinda pricey. Went to HMV. I finally bought Scarface! "I bury those cock-a-roaches!" lol thnx Jul for helping me find it.

Jul went home to study, and Mel went to see Superman with her family cuz I couldn't confirm with her so she said to hell with me I'd rather take my brother out. Lol that was a joke.

Anybody wanna watch Superman?