Sunday, June 25, 2006

Conspiracy Theories

Today at lunch with a few TC people we were randomly chatting (Scary Movie 4 kept coming up) and then we started talking about Mel's plate of chicken rice. Emmanuel said her plate looked like those kid's plates where you have partitions on the plate. I said her chicken rice soup was in fact alphabet soup, which she would later try to arrange alphabetically. Big Joe had something more serious to say; that the chicken rice from that stall was unsafe. One of his friends ate from that stall, and later that day, he got hit by a car.

Someone who was a little slow on the uptake said "Eh I don't see the link leh..."

Lol trust Joe to unravel the conspiracy behind TM Food Court chicken rice.

Which reminds me... was watching Bulletproof Monk just now. The monk raised a very good question: Why do hot dogs come in packs of ten, while hot dog buns come in packs of eight? At the end of the movie, the answer was that life doesn't always turn out the way you want it to, so just go with it, so you can have your hot dogs, or something like that.

I had a different theory. It's a conspiracy!

The real reason why hot dogs come in tens and the buns in eight is it is part of a clever, subversive marketing tactic. You see, a significant number of people think in one direction only; in order to make hot dogs, you have to have an equal number of hot dogs and hot dog buns. So when these people go shopping for hot dog ingredients and encounter this predicament of unmatching quantities, they'll be forced to buy four packs of hot dogs and 5 packs of hot dog buns to make it 40 hot dogs and hot dog buns, instead of just one pack each if there were an equal number of hot dogs and hot dog buns per pack.

This marketing strategy, however, does not work on people who can think laterally, and are hence able to find alternate means of consumption of the remaining two hot dogs, like eat it plain, or in a slice of bread, or give them to your dog. Hell, this is Singapore; you can find hot dogs in the weirdest of places, like in mee goreng. Weird mix, I always felt.

If I ever come across more conspiracy theories, I'll post them here. I might make another series out of this!