Tuesday, June 27, 2006

Go swallow some cyanide and put a charged particle gun to your head

Chemistry common test yesterday was horrible. Ever have one of those exam moments when you're almost afraid, maybe even embarrassed to write your name on your script, for fear of associating yourself with it? Yeah, I know how that feels. Totally forgot about nitrogen compounds when I was studying. The cyanide literally killed me.

I was pretty resigned to flunking Physics today, cuz I did negligible amounts of work for that. I was flicking through radioactivity last night, but by the time of the paper, the only thing I could remember was that Half-life was a good game. But the thing that really kills me was that the paper was actually... easy! It was, there were no trick questions for at least 3/4 of the paper. It was like they wanted you to have the marks. It's like they deliberately made it easy.

And that's when it hit me; it's a conspiracy! Easy papers have a better effect on students, especially slackers. Slackers who don't study take comfort in their resignation to failure, and they expect to not be able to do much in a paper with a rather standard difficulty. They may be even comforted to see the really tricky questions, and with an "I-would'nt've-figured-that-out-anyway" attitude, they'll hope that everyone else fared as badly for those questions as they did. With easy papers, however, these smug people will be kicking themselves all day for not studying. You'll hear stuff like "That was a free mark! I would've got that one if I studied..." and then the guilt of not studying really sinks in.

After Physics today, went to TM with the class guys to watch Scary Movie 4. Spoiler warning, highlight to reveal:

I must say that that movie had an unusually high number of prerequisites, apart from being 16. You have to:

1. Have an American sense of humour (doesn't hurt to be lame)
2. Be up to date with movies, especially War Of The Worlds, Saw, Million Dollar Baby, The American Ring, as I like to call it, and the previous Scary Movies
3. Know your basics in American culture, like who Dr. Phil and Oprah Winfrey are and about Tom Cruise's couch-jumping incident on Oprah.

I could tell that a lot of people were lost at the first part when Dr. Phil was talking about himself, and they only got the "Wrong foot" part. The movie really makes a point: all Dr. Phil seems to be doing is telling people to get a grip. Hell, I could do that. And the last part, too, when James Earl Jones was hit by a bus mid-sentence. That's a recurring joke from the first Scary Movie. Damn, I thought Brenda was dead from the first movie (Cindy and Brenda are recurring characters from the first SM) I thought Cindy was the only main character to survive. Brenda's less annoying now, thank God. People that have seen the first SM would appreciate this one and brush off the sometimes overexcessive "trying-too-hard-to-be-funny"ness as a..... "glitch" in the series.

I would like to thank Cheryl and Emmanuel for spoiling a significant portion of the jokes for me last Sunday. Except for the tripod tentacle humping the vacuum cleaner part, I wouldn't've laughed anyway. Was it a coincidence that Doofy was, in a sense, humping his vacuum cleaner in the first SM? Hmmm...


Trying to start my studying engine now. Still need greasing.