Sunday, July 30, 2006

Random Thoughts 11

Wow haven't blogged about the past happenings for two weeks.

Youth mass was great! Sure it's weird that I'm blogging about it when it was two weeks ago, but since I'm finally here, might as well. We got to do wardens! And everyone was dressing up and all, and we looked goood! lol need to get my hands on the photos... and the Sunday Market ones as well.

Joe forgot that the current Pope is Bennedict the sixteenth, so when he was reading Prayer Of The Faithful, he saw Bennedict XVI and said "Bennedict... *pause*". Wahaha poor guy.

Anyway someone gave me some gum before mass and I didn't realise that I was chewing it all through mass until we got up for offertory. So with no way to dispose of it, I sutck it under my shoe, in the part near the heel that doesn't touch the floor. Cheryl was going "Eeeeeeeeee..." like a ninny. So after offetory when I returned to my pew, I borrowed some tissue and disposed of it properly in there... and I left the tissue at the pew by accident. Oops lol.

Well after mass, took photos, and then most of us went to Pizza Hut at TM for dinner. And Dorothy paid for everything, even the extra set meal that we were left with cuz Dawn, Nicholas and the leech suddenly decided to go somewhere else after we ordered. Felt really bad about that, but also annoyed at the three. Dinner was good, but too much. Talked and joked a lot.

Anyway after that I went with Iggy, Victor and Mel to watch Pirates of the Carribean. Great movie; it immediately left me wanting to see the next movie. At the end of the movie, Mel wanted to wait for the end of the credits cuz she heard there was something added at the end. Credits were cb long, and all we got was the dog on the throne. It must be some sort of in joke wiht the people that made this movie. "Haha we made you stay for that!" Anyway the cliffhanger ending was totally unexpected. And I still hate Iggy for spoiling the movie for me before we went to watch it. Probably trying to show off how he looked up the spoilers before watching it with us. Not watching anything with him again.


And blah blah blah another week went by.


Saturday was the last dragonboat training before the actual competition on Monday. After that went to Jul's house almost immediately. Didn't bathe, just went straight so I could bathe there. Was supposed to go there to study, she and Mel had been working since 11 in the morning I think, so by the time I got there, they were both more or less burnt out. They were ordering dinner before I even got there. After we ate (and Mel the Arts student demonstrated her command of stoichiometry and volumetric analysis by mixing her coleslaw and her mashed potatoes in exact and equal proportions) we just sat and talked. I finally got to studying, but only did a bit of work before Mel almost had to drag me off the chair to get me going cuz it was getting really late.

We went to Pastamania for lunch after mass on Sunday. Fattening stuff.

Speaking of fat, we haven't seen Edwin at all for a few months. And he still has my Nightlife and Mel's Da Vinci Code. He might be dead for all we know.


And blah blah blah another week went by.


No wait... there was Sea Sports Carnival on Monday. And after all the training sessions the class had, we only managed to come in fifth overall. Bummer.... But the weird thing is we didn't concentrate on the Men's Kayaking Relay, and we got third for that. Imagine!

Better than nothing lah.


Yesterday the class had ze cha (is that how you spell it?) at Block 201, and then went to Fisherman's Village for drinks. Wheee good times!


Wish people would stop putting pressure on me. I've been getting a lot of conflicting views, sometimes coming from the same person. Can I or can I not get in? Weighing a lot on my mind lately and I can't think of much else. Rrrgh tml must ask Maro once and for all and clear my doubts.