Tuesday, July 18, 2006

Pwnage Quotes 9 (Cockster Teachers)

We all know that Nordin is a damn cockster, but sometimes he can be damn gorblok as well (meaning blur, or.... something more severe than blur)

A lot of the S12 people skipped his SPE lesson on Friday; only Shyam and Pei Hao were there.

Nordin: Shyam, do you know where Kartik is?
Shyam: Er, I dunno... I saw him at morning assembly today, but I dunno where he went... not that close to him anyway.
N: Ok... now it's 8.15. You have ten minutes, go and find him...
S: ...huh? *wtf*
N: *not listening* ...search the canteen, search the library, search the...
S: *slightly incredulous* ...but....
N: *still not listening* ten minutes come back. *goes back to his attendance list without even looking up*
S: *walks off annoyed*
Russ: Aiyah, Shyam, just go to the canteen and have a drink, and in ten minutes come back and say you couldn't find him.
N: *still not listening*


N: Pei Hao, do you know where Jake is?
Pei Hao: Er no, I was late this morning, so I didn't see anyone. I wasn't at morning assembly.
N: Hmm okie... did you see Wallace?
PH: No, I didn't see anybody at morning assembly because I wasn't there!
N: Okie... did you see Nichols?
PH: ....
N: Thittinat?
PH: ...............

And Nordin still can't say Thittinat's name properly... still calls him Tittynutssssssssssssssssss.


Later during GP, we were analysing someone's essay, and Miss Yap was writing the topic sentences on the board. One of the points she wrote was "the key motivavations of terrorism today cannot be easily curbed". No, that's not a typo, she really wrote motivavations.

A few of us were confused, then Justin spoke up.

Justin: Er, Miss Yap, I think you wrote something wrong.
Yap: *looks at board, then looks at essay, tehn looks at board again* Yeah it should be "fundamental motivations" *edits the fundamental but doesn't notice the motivavations*
J: Er, no, I think you've misspelt motivation.
Y: *stares at board for a while, then looks back at Justin* You know what I meant, please don't waste my time like this... *grumbles on*

WTH she made an honest mistake and yet she somehow made Justin look like he did something wrong!


Today, Mr. Tan somehow managed to get one of his hands scalded by chicken soup, so when he arrived for class, he showed us his hands.

Tan: Ni men you kan dao shen me bu tong ne (Or something like that)? (Do you notice anything different between my hands?)
Russ: Dang ran lah! Yi bian shi zhuo, yi bian shi you. (Of course lah! One hand is left, one hand is right.)
Tan: .....