Sunday, February 26, 2006

I had Ribena just now and it was good

Blog ah! Before I forget everything.

Dunno why it's taken me so long to reach post 100 but here I am, and I feel si peh tu lan. I just feel really uber sian these few days. It's not that everything is going wrong, it's not to that extreme. It's just that I'm beginning to grow sick of everything. Everything is so routine and pointless. It's like I'm never gonna pull my grades up, I'm never gonna pass my NAPFA, I'm never gonna get to NUS, I'm bever gonna be a guitarist or a drummer, I'm never gonna be a pilot, I'm never gonna find that special someone, I'm never gonna make a name for myself or be remembered... It's like I'm just going through each day cuz I have to, until something big happens, like a war or the Apocalypse, and everything we have won't mean scrap. I have this feeling that I'm gonna do something really big with my life, but I don't see that happening soon.

Anyway, about my week....

Angela Quek knows my name already. Twice I ran into her this week and twice she said hi to me using my name. She was my GP tutor for a week, when we had that elective GP topic thing for politics, which meant that I couldn't've been in more than 5 periods of her lessons, and she already knows me. Must be from all that debating during GP. And the funny thing is that she's been HK's choir teacher for almost a year now and she can't get his name down.

Zhi Hui had a sore throat some time this week. Ran into him in the D block second floor bathrooms where he asked me for something of his that I had. It was of a sensitive nature, in a sense, so when he whispered to me, I replied him in whisper. So we were having a hushed conversation in the gents, and then I realised that Zhi Hui wouldn't bother if other people heard what we were talking about, and then I realised that he was whispering because of his bad throat. Rrrrgh....

No soccer on Thursday. Poor Ah Bush was waiting with me in the library till 4, then I went to Nordin for training and he went to the basketball pitch to find nobody there. So he waited and waited until he couldn't take it and went back himself.

Oh yeah we saw a J1 from River Valley in the library. Waht's an RV student doing here? RV is damn far lah... poor girl.

Dick loaded the NYP video to his N70. At least I think it's an N70. Kinda lost touch. *shall not say who* was watching it before flag raising on Friday when Elizabeth went up to him to ask him something. That's when he quickly scrabbled to hide the video. LOL

That girl is so screwed lah. "Tammy" I mean.

Friday was damn suay. I think quite a few people knew what happened, especially I was walking from the stadium to the canteen with an ice pack on my eye. When BV people asked me what happened, I simply said:

"Rugby. Sean Tay." Nuff said.

Okie, in detail... SPE for this term is rugby, so after 6 laps (which I felt good about cuz I could feel that my running was improving), we got into teams. Nordin called us Liverpool and forgot what other team, and I asked why not Chelsea cuz that's his favourite team. That was a mistake on my part so people corrected me and said his favourite team was Arsenal, to which he replied "Ok don't talk already." That's Nordin for you; you can tell his mood by how Arsenal played for their last game. I thought it was Chelsea cuz I thought the rumours were true that he jumped on the bandwagon, especially since Arsenal isn't doing that well now.

I digress. Simply put, this is how the game went: Kick off. Rozie grabs the ball. Taps. Looks left, looks right. Passes to Sean. Sean rushes. I rush to tackle. I rushed wrongly. Thud.

Jake told me later that he could actually hear the thud when we crashed, and he was a few metres off. I don't remember much, except that I lost focus for a few seconds and nearly blacked out. My head collided into his and his right knee went into my left thigh. So I fell backwards and was griping in pain on the floor, while everyone panickedly rushed around me. I could focus after a bit and was partially aware of the things around me, which was why it hurt so bad. Everyone was at the least panicked, until I started laughing. Dammit, I'm still laughing now as I'm typing this. It's so freaking funny, and it would be funnier if it wasn't me and I wasn't so embarrassed. 10 seconds into the game and I was incapacitated already. So I hobbled off to the stands and HK got me some ice.

Full log of my injuries: a swollen and black right eye, felt winded and concussed a bit, had a pain in my left leg that felt like a knife, and later a bad back, felt nauseous, bruising spread under my eye where I think I burst a vein. In my right eye. Cashvin or Kim was telling me today that it looked bloodshot.

Full log of Sean's injuries: he burst a pimple from the impact.

What, you were expecting more?

My team drew with them, by the way.

So yeah walked around with an ice pack to my eye for about an hour. And I don't blame Sean for this. Actually it's more of my fault. But still I was walking around school with an ice pack to my eye and a tu lan look on my face, and people just looked at me and that was it, as though they didn't dare ask me what happened.

Felt really lousy the rest of the day, especially my back and my thigh, so couldn't go ice skating with the class. That's another class outing I missed. Dammit lah.

Saturday, met Dhana and Karthik at Simpang Bedok. Now HB is gonna tell me how last week's training has gone down the drain cuz I had prata. Well it was worth it. Hadn't seen them for a while, although I still wasn't in the best of moods.

Today Teens Connect had a meeting that I almost didn't know about. It was fun. Kinda got me out of the mood I was in, although I was still feeling a bit lousy. Auntie Cheryl kept asking me if I was okie, and that kinda got me guilty about pulling a face, so tried to lighten up a bit later.

I just hope I figure out how to proceed from here, although right now, I'm really stuck in a rut.

Sunday, February 19, 2006

Random Thougts 6

Okie I'll update, Cheryl, thank you. lol


I finally get to use the com for a substantial amount of time for the first time this weekend. Kim's been hogging the com cuz she tio the Maple disease. Wah die ah! Can't use the com as much as I used to.


SPA was HORRIBLE! Just horrible. Especially Physics. Don't really wanna talk about it. But it was horrible. Hoorritz! Disgustingly hoorritz!


Really tired this week. Been doing all forms of physical stuff this week. Started gymming regiment. Now I'm gaining weight from muscle mass. Not very good.

Rock climbing with ODAC and rugby for SPE on Friday. Managed to climb with my long nails, but I think I'm gonna cut them soon. My climbing's getting better. In sec school, I couldn't get off the ground. Last year, I made it to the 2nd square over the red line, meaning 5 squares. Now I'm at 7 squares over the line. Wheeee! Rugby is intense, especially if you're playing with Sean Tay, and even more so if you're playing against him, which was what I had to do. When he tackled me, I was winded and he held me in a vicegrip utill I keeled over. When I tackled him, he dragged me along. Scary shit.

Soccer with TAF people and a few non-TAF people (like Zhi Hui) on Thursday. I'm getting better I think lol. Woohoo! I'm so psyched!


McDonald's is selling milkshakes again! For the first time in 10 years or so. Bought some today. Very nostalgic, used to love it when I was a small kid until they took it away, which left me feeling very scandalised. But now it's back! Yess!


Hmmm... my hands are still red from the red eggs I ate this afternoon.


Was watching Catch Me If You Can just now. Nice show. Proof that people should be given a second chance in certain cases.


New blog music, btw. Aquarius by Within Temptation. I'm beginning to like symphonic metal, ever since Dinesh introed this band to me. Initially I felt like putting something heavier on my blog, but maybe another day.


Voctoria told me yesterday that her friend told her that Cheeky Monkeys closed down recently.



Had Praise and Worship yesterday. I'm beginning to get annoyed by the awkward silences during sharing when nobody has anything to say. It's so spastic. But not as spastic as when Auntie Cheryl suggested we do the friendship dance. We call her Auntie Cheryl cuz that's what her Sunday School students call her, even though she's only turning 19 this year.

Come to think of it, that is kinda old...

Well PnW was still fun, and nice. New member Alphonsus. I keep seeing new members, and not enough of the older ones. Hope we can hang onto everyone. Just occurred to me that I didn't see Celeste yesterday.

I miss the days when the gang would just hang after mass every Sunday. Miss the pool games at Pavillion, and the speed pool thing that Cheryl or Mel came up with. People like Big Joe, Yvonne are eternally busy, and people like Dhana and Desmond are eternally missing. It's really, for a lack of a better word, sian.


Need to pull everything together soon


Post 100 coming up!

Pwnage Quotes 6 (Science Teachers)

This happened during a Chem lecture. Forgot the actual transcript, but I found it on Yongquan's blog. Hope he doesn't mind. Thanks ah Ah Boy

Ah Boy: wah kao! cher! our SPA only 1 hour lor! they they got extra 10 mins!
Mrs Lee: their's is physics! you never ask properly then you kao bei...
Someone: cher! what did you say?
Mrs Lee: i say their SPA is physics, not chemistry...
Mrs Lee: what did i say?
Someone: KAO BEI


I took the liberty of recording the following during one Physics lesson earlier this week. This shows how dumb Mr. Liew's lessons can get.

Liew: My daughter is in MEP - Music Elective Programme.
Tak Shing: Wah I thought Malay Elective Programme sia!


Mr Liew has caught the "Wincent Lee" disease. His daughter plays the violin, and while he was on the topic, he said "Wanessa Mae"

Justin: Wah your daughter play wiolin ah!


Later during the lesson:

Alex: Cher I go toilet
Liew: Okie I follow you later


Tuesday, February 07, 2006

Custom Made Girlfriend

Dinesh tagged me to do this. I think I started something. Now he's gonna tag me whenever he has stuff like this to do. Lol kidding... usually I enjoy doing them, but now it's just a matter of what to say now.

The tagged victim has to come up with 8 different points of their perfect lover.Need to mention the sex of the target.Tag 8 victims to join this game & leave a comment on their page saying they have been tagged.If tagged the 2nd time, theres no need to post again.

Target: Female. Duh... did I even have to mention this?

1. Well, looks aren't everything, but for me, they still make up a lot of the first impression. Naturally speaking, I like hot girls, but not necessarily some people's definition of hot. For some people, chio means tua neh bu, and tua neh bu means chio. I don't need a girl of Pamela Anderson proportions. If I were to make a comparison, my ideal girl would have an Emma Watson-like figure. Or Kaley Cuoco. Fine, more to Emma Watson. *dreams on*

2. I have a thing for long hair, so I guess my perfect lover would have hair at least to their shoulders or shoulder blades. Of course, there are people who make the short hair deal look good, like Cheryl Miles. I usually don't like it when girls bun up their hair, but then again, it's all about whether she makes it look good.

3. Optional. My ideal girl would have red hair (any shade) and bright green eyes, but as they say, you can't have everything, and in Singapore, especially in a place like TPJC, you take what you can get. Next...!

4. My ideal girl would be intelligible and intruiging on a conversational level. I don't necessarily have to discuss nuclear physics with her (actually I would like our conversations to be a break for me from any sort of physics) but I would hope her sentences are at least full and not injected with "bao bei dear"s and the like. I like girls who are slightly more on the talkative side, but not too much, usually because I don't always have something to say. Sometimes I appear to ignore people because I have nothing to say to them at the moment. I can find very few people that can are on the same wavelength as me. People like Dhana are, bless him. So yeah... don't like silent girls that mercilessly leave you with a stony silence between the two of you when you don't say anything.

5. My ideal girl would be open minded. I could never imagine myself with a "procreational sex only" sort of girl for the rest of my life. I'll go crazy. Sounds a bit bad, but yeah that's me. I don't feel good approaching girls whom I know to be innocent, cuz I might end up corrupting them, or we may never click and she'll just pack her stuff and leave. Then again, I wouldn't want a wild horse that's totally on the loose, like that NYJC girl that randomly added me on MSN and asked me for cybersex. Just a bit of naughty to get you by will do.

6. Well, this may sound a bit demanding, but my ideal girl would have at least a general appreciation for rock music in general. I'll probably strangle myself if I was left alone on an island with a boyband-Mandopop-J pop only girl. Well I do like certain Mandopop acts, but not in excessive amounts. Rock music is in my blood, and nothing's gonna change that. I believe that a person's musical preferences speaks volulmes of him, and it's something he should dtay true to for the rest of his life, no matter what. Which brings me to my next point:

7. My ideal girl would love me for who I am, and vice versa. Our relationship must be like that, in general. I've seen people who change DRASTICALY when they get attached, and sometimes I get the feeling that it's the physical attraction that drives them to make something out of the relationship from nothing, even if it means changing who you are. Screw that. I won't declare that I won't change one bit, but I'm confident when I say that there are things about me that getting a girl will never change, like my religion and my musical preferences.

8. This may sound like a very sweeping, and rather offensive remark, but I assure you, no harm intended. There are a lot of Chinese girls that I find attractive, but I wouldn't go out with a Cheena girl, if you know what I mean. My ideal girl would be Eurasian or, if I daresay, Western, or Westernised-Asian. Only then would or cultures and backgrounds put us on the same wavelength, roughly. And preferably a Catholic. I really wouldn't mind marrying out of my religion, given certain circumstances, but it's just a big mess when it comes to out children and all.


Now I really dunno who to tag. I know tao kias like Alex and Jaslyn won't do this so I won't bother. Let's see.... hmmmm

1. Cheryl
2. Melissa
3. Ah Bush
4. .... whoever wants to do it!

I swear, you people aren't any fun. This is what I mean by same wavelength. Rrrgh.

Monday, February 06, 2006

Keep your friends close

It's been a week, so I should blog about it now. lol

Last Tuesday was Kit's 18th birthday. Nice party. Cycled there with a bag of chips as a present. A bit cheap, I know, but he said bring snacks or dessert, and seeing as how there was a large influx of desserts, he should be happy that at least someone brought chips.

The party was a good chance to reunite with old faces, like Regina, Chun Tat and Wei Xuan, and maybe Shirley, but didn't talk to her much. Used to know her from SHPS Drama Club, if I remember correctly, and I hope I do. Met new people too, most of which whose names I've regretfully forgotten. And everyone was having fun with Rusty, Kit's dog, and the poor soul whom he was named after (I'm sure you can guess) lol

So the whole time it was eating (the food was substantially less burnt when Wei Kheam took a break from cooking), drinking (18, but no beer in sight), talking (a lot of catching up and gossipping up to do, especially about how Kit has grown up and all), and dai dee and mahjong (didn't win a single hand... rrrgh). Dunno what he got mostly, but do know that Sean and Regina got him a pack of condoms (orange flavoured I think). Gotta ask him if he's used them yet. lol

Nth much else to say, though. Missed being in his house. Should hang with him one of these days. Haven't made much of an effort to.

Speaking of which, met Josh at TM foodcourt on Sunday, when I went out with a few TC people for a short while, which all the more made me feel even more guilty for not contacting him during the holidays. Well hopefully the plan to go see the Star Wars exhibit during the March holidays pulls through.

Rrrgh missed Desmond's water polo match, all because we had visiting at Uncle Peter's house. Have to make it up to him big time this coming Sunday. We all (the TC gang) do.

Thursday, February 02, 2006

Psycho Street

Hong Kuang and I were discussing during Maths today (of all things) Sesame Street, and our train of thought originated from this clip on the Kontraband site from Family Guy of Cookie Monster in rehab for his cookie addiction. So we discussed and surmised that majority of the non-human residents of Sesame Street have some sort of physical/mental/psychological disability, so I shall list out their ailments as best as I can remember them as how we discussed it this morning, plus a few I thought of just now.

- Cookie Monster needs rehab for his cookie addiction
- Big Bird has to undergo psychiatrical treatment for his paedophilia, for the sake of the poor Birdketeers
- Grover needs help for his schizophrenia. That Super Grover persona isn't healthy
- Snuffy might require a bit of liposuction
- Oscar needs anger management
- Ernie needs a decrease in his dependency on his rubber duckie
- Bert should undergo counselling for hos obsessive compulsive disorder
- Elmo needs a BIG reality check in order to realise that his life shouldn't revolve around merely his goldfish and his crayons and random appearances by Mr. Noodle in his window
- Baby Bear desperately need phonetics lessons so he can stop saying powidge
- Telly needs to cut down on his caffiene to reduce his nervousness
- Zoe needs to fix her bad throat so she can laugh normally and not sound like she's trying to expel a hairball
- Mumford the magician needs private magic tuition to fix his slipshod acts. And he needs a magic dictionary, so he can use another incantation other than "A-la-peanut-butter-sandwiches"
- Forgetful Jones should go for a memory enhancing seminar... if he can remember it
- Fat Blue, the guy that always bitches at the restaurants where Grover works and always runs into him, should really learn to cook himself and eat at home
- The Count needs to undergo rehab for his counting addiction
- Benny Rabbit the bell hop should get his front teeth fixed after all that teeth grinding
- Barkley the dog needs a haircut

If you can think of more, please tell me. I wanna expand on this list... lol

Pwnage quotes 5 (JC speek)

During a Physics lecture a few days back, the lecturer said:

"So the term for strength of a gravitatonal field is gravitational field strength, and the term for strength of an electric field is electric field strength. So that means that the term for strength of a magnetic field is... yes, magnetic flux density."



Today, while Zhi Hui, Alex and I were slacking in the ODAC room between lessons:

A: Eh what's the next period ah?
R: Er... Chem lecture.
A: Wah sian leh don't feel like going...
Z: Yeah lah... eh wait this Chem lecture must go eh.
R: Oh yeah... what are they doing now ah? Kinetics ah?
A: Eh... this is Chemistry...Chem where got kinetics?
R: CHEMICAL kinetics lah!
A: ... oh yah...


Later, during Maths lecture, I was trying to concentrate, but I had quite a bit on my mind after all that talking the three of us did in the room. Alex beside me on cue slips into a sleeping position, but for a second blearily looks up at me:

Alex: Don't follow me.
Russell: ... sound advice.


Tampines JC has this thing for inarticulate teachers. So many helicopters, like that teacher, forgot the name, and her "Chicken MacNarrgerrts".

But Vincent "SeWen EleWen" Lee will always be our Blue Thunder. "Ok the Sea Sports CarniWal will begin at eleWen o'clock... I am glad to announce that our Wolleyball team has done Wely well..."

Now a new contender has arisen, the Chem lecturer, Ms or Mrs Khoo. During a pause in her lecture, some guy at the back started whistling audibly for the whole LT to hear. When the LT stopped laughing, she said something to the effect of:"Will the boy behing stop whizzling?"
