Monday, March 27, 2006

Cheryl SEOW

Happy now? lol

VS joke

This is really funny! Gregory told me this joke during Chinese tutorial (in English). Babi (or Dadi) suspects that it's a VS joke, cuz only VS people would crack jokes like this.


There was a teacher that posed this question to one of her students:

How do you measure the height of a tall building using only a barometer?

(At this point, Greg poses the same question to me. I think for a while and I answer "Using the barometer, measure the atmospheric pressure at the base of the building and the top of the building. Then, with the density of air in hand, use

delta P = (delta h)(rheo)(g)

to evaluate delta h, the height of the building."

Spoken like a true Singaporean Physics student brainwashed by 11 years worth of methodic procedual thinking. I later double checked this to be technically correct, only that the building has to be really tall for increased accuracy.)

Back to the story:

So the student thinks about this for a while and concludes:

"1. At the top of the building, tie the barometer to a rope or string of infinite length. Lower it over the edge of the building so that the barometer touches the ground floor. Height of the building is the length of the rope plus the height of the barometer."

So the teacher immediately says that he is wrong and gives the student another chance. The student thinks for a longer while and the teacher inquires why he's taking so long. He says "I've thoought of a few more methods, but none of them are as good as the first one." So the teacher asks to hear them, and he says:

"2. At the top of the building, drop the barometer off the edge and record the time it takes to hit the floor. Then derive the height using the formula

s = ut + 1/2at^2

3. At the central stairwell of the building, prop the barometer against the edge of the wall and make a mark on the wall at the top of the barometer. Bring the barometer up so that the base touches the previous mark and make a new mark at the top. Repeat until you get to the roof and multiply the number of marks by the height of the barometer to obtain the building height.

4. Measure the height of the barometer, h, and the length of its shadow, l. Measure the length of the building's shadow and multiply that by the ratio h/l to get the building height.

5. (the most creative one) Find the building janitor and tell him "If you tell me the height of this building, I'll give you this barometer."


I was laughing my ass off. This is going to be a Singapore school urban ledend along with the JC lightbulbs joke.

Sorry for lashing out during the meeting

My school had a free screening of Crash last Thursday. FREE, and yet only seven people (Takfik and myself included) showed up for it at the LT. Probably because:

1. It wasn't advertised enough
2. The only thing that some people bothered to know about Crash is that the Oscar people liked it better than the gay movie
3. The pother people didn't bother

I'm surprised. It's free and yet people aren't abusing that fact. New age Singaporeans, with the same old ignorance.

Crash was a good movie, a keep-you-on-tenterhooks kind of movie, the kind of movie that makes you go "Oh, fuck..." Great for a mediocre budget film, and it's got a message. It's rather racially driven and cleverly interwoven, cuz it's a few storylines melded into one film. And according to official resources, it's the most expletive Oscar winner or something like that. Love it.

Friday was Track and Field heats, and one of the unavoidable events for all of us is the 12x100m relay. There were 13 of us, but Eugene had to sit out due to an injury. So they put me for 9th runner. Charles was first. Maybe we should've put someone good as first. Well we were last, but I can safely say that it was in no way my fault. We were last by our fourth runner, who ironically was Alex, the guy that did his shuttle run in 9 seconds.

Was supposed to go out last Saturday with Joshua and Jeremy, but got cancelled.

Went to the OLPS Youth Mass with Dhana later that day. Really fun. Youth masses in Holy Trin are dead. And only the youth ministry go. Wanna go to the next one. After that we walked to Georges for a bit of food and drinks. I suddenly remembered how I didn't take too well to burbon coke, but it was still okie. Would've stayed longer if I didn't have to catch the last bus. Walked through Dhana's old neighbourhood to the bus stop and he was giving me a guided tour.

"Yeah that's where I used to live... helped my dad paint those walls... that guy's from China... house is full of dragons... that guy's a doctor... that guy, all his kids are teachers... that's where Sherlyn lives..." It's fun hanging out with him. Always have something to talk about.

Was late for mass on Sunday, but considering I went the other day, I could've slept in. Was feeling sick. But there was a meeting so I went along. Was supposed to go studying after the meeting but I forgot my stuff, so I went home after mass to grab my things. Waited for the bus for 20 25 minutes. Nearly every other bus came at least once, some twice, and all the five buses I could take all took a fucking long time. Really annoyed. I'm easily annoyed these days. Sorry if I take it out on anyone. Meeting was okie.

Oh shit now I remember I have homework from the meeting. That on top of a shitload of work I have left.

Meeting was okie. Later went to Mel's house with Jul, Iggy and long lost Yvonne to study. Got a lot of work done. Did a whole chapter. That's a lot compared to the things we do every study session.

Felt fucking weird the entire day. Slacking in the ODAC room after school is fun, especially if you have nice people to talk to, like Zhi Hui, Zhe Wei and Xin Yuan, who I forgot to mention joined my class along with Derwin (?) to retake his As. Talking cock about anything, especially about people in the school and ODAC is always fun and sometimes insightful. Went for the engineering talk later. Really interesting. Lecturer was funny.

Nothing much to say now, except that I'm in the "don't feel like doing anything" mood right now.

Monday, March 20, 2006

Holiday Log

I initially had the plan to blog about the entire one week holiday in a single entry, as I'm doing now, but now I realise that it's a dumb idea, cuz:

1. It's a lot to blog. I'll either have to write a lot or compress a lot.
2. I would've forgotten part of the week by now (which I have)

But ah well, since I'm here already...

Sunday (as in the previous Sunday): Bike training, I think. Wah lau... fitness really dropped like hell. Family left for Malaysia, but I had to stay behind, cuz of ODAC and stuff, and that's the real holiday for me: 3 days of the house to myself. Peace and quiet. After church, went to Mel's house to study with Iggy, Jul and now Edwin. Bugger quit JC, so dunno what he was doing there. As always, we didn't get much studying done. Actually, the last time at BK we got a bit done, or at least I did, but now most of what we did was sit around and talk, and discuss GP, and maybe read essays. Halfway through I attempted to help Mel clear up her com; it was chock full of spyware. So I went about my business, as I've done on so many occasions with my com, and then her com just crashed on me. I still feel guilty about it, although she keeps telling me that it happens.

Halfway through, we started to lose focus, especially after I found out that Mel has Roald Dahl's Omnibus. Last time I read that book was at Kit's house dunno how many donkey years back. SO I got engrossed in it soon enough. Only read one of the chapters, though. Some might know which one. Another book I got engrossed in was the Who Wants To Be A Millionaire book. So much so that we took it along with us when we went over to my house. Edwin started farting in Mel's room (twice, and once in her bathroom). I dunno why I consented for them to come over, cuz Edwin would start bombing my room, and cuz the place was all over the... place.

But that's the good thing when my parents are out of town; people can come over, if they can stand the mess. Iggy left Mel's house earlier, and then we all walked to my place, with the Millionaire book. We did nothing but slack at my house, and read the Millionaire book. And plat the Sims 2. They had this weird but fun idea to recreate the entire TC gang, and so we did. Part of it anyway. Did the rest later. But not before Edwin made a separate family for Cheryl, Desmond and Ben and decided to kill them all. They didn't save the game so I had to finish them off again. "Cheryl" survived the fire, so I let her go.

I can't believe I'm blogging about a video game.

Monday: Went to Ubin with Alex and Mingsong to scout for ODAC activity. Bike still out of service, so went to rent one. Rrrgh should've just ridden my bike with one pedal hanging. Biking took up most of our time, and we found some nice places that hopefully we can take the J1s to. Poor Song had a fall down the slope, so we went to my place to treat his cut. He actually wanted to call Jamie, but she was out. Some first aider.

Got pangsehed later.

Tuesday: Forgot what I did in the morning. Afternoon, Jul came over to study, but as usual we didn't get anything done. We never get much done when we go to someone's house. Ended up playing Sims again. Mel and Victor came later. Victor was so obsessed with the game and with furnishing "his home". So he did his house, Jul and I watched him, and Mel plonked on my room couch.

Halfway through we had to leave for church, where Cheryl called for an emergency meeting. David and Victoria were there. Did I forget anyone?

Later went to get dinner at curcular market, where we met Iggy and then went to my house. Again. Victor can't get enough of the Sims. He's obsessed now. Think he might get it soon. Oh yeah Mel likes to mix her coleslaw and her whipped potatoes together. Cool lol. Haven't done that in ages till that night. So we just sat around playing Sims and crapping. Need to start practising guitar again. Cheryl asked me to play something and I couldn't. So malu!

Wednesday: Family came back from Malaysia. Can't remember much else, except couldn't go for soccer with KX cuz of a splitting headache.

Thursday: I think I went to Simpang with Dinesh, Karthik and Dhana. No wait was that Monday? Aargh!

Friday - Sunday: 2 star kayaking course at Changi Sea Sports club. Quite fun. Kayaked from Changi to Pasir Ris on Sat and went to Downtown East BK for lunch. Quite packed everyday, so couldn't even go to church, but it was worth it. Can use spray deck now.

I suddenly remembered I was supposed to go to the Star Wars convention with Joshua and Jeremy, but I was so busy I totally forgot about it. Die.

Friday, March 10, 2006

Friday morning walks from the stadium to the canteen

Rrrgh need to blog for 2 weeks...

Kim's beginning to obsess over Maplestory now. She's literally glued to it, and it takes a lot of time to coax her to get off the com, or wait for her. I'm beinning to see why Jul's sister resorted to forcing her to uninstall Maple from her com in front of her, although if I did that, it would also mean that I can't play. Rrrgh.

Last week was a screwed up one. Three tests, and no confidence in anyone of the three, even GP. I made Taoism sound like Satanism, and it's not like it was an essay or anything. It was a bloody AQ, and considering I have the parameters of the two passages to work with, I dunno how I did what I did. Bad headache during the test too.

The previous week I had that rugby accident with Sean that gave me a black eye. Now, one week after that, Sean was absent, but I still had an accident. This time, I sprained my ankle while tackling Babi. Hobbling the rest of the day, until evening.

So I wasn't in a very good mood for the entire week, more or less, and that included Friday night and Saturday when we had that youth mass. I'm starting to regret being short with or withdrawn from everyone in a sense that day. It was fun, just that I wasn't in a "Let's have fun" mood, more of a "I need to sit quietly at the grotto and mull things over" mood. Forgot what we did after the mass on Sat.

Sunday was studying with Jul, Mel and Iggy, after being stood up by Big Joe. Went to Downtown East BK to study. I was so proud of myself when I could do Jul's thermodynamics questions! Worked there for a bit (Kim popped by for a while to do absolutely nothing) and then we went to Jul's house to study some more. And then we ended up slacking, eating pizza, playing Maple (on Jul's com it's like watching a slideshow) and playing mahjong (Iggy n00b)

Monday, took MC from school cuz I felt too sian to go to school.

Tuesday, ate pizza again, at Ah Boy's house to commemorate Pui Kia's birthday. Ate while watching One More Chance. Nice show. After that rushed back to school for ODAC. Helped to build a structure for the CCA Selection the next day.

But still no chance to hang around for selection on Wed. Was there for a few minutes. I tried to write my name on the sign up list again, but this time Jamie caught me. During the first Orientation, I purposely wrote my name in the sign up list to see if anyone would notice. Apparently, nobody did, and a few days later I got a call in the dead of the night from Jamie, who referred to herself as "Jamie from ODAC" and told me to come down for the first meeting. I was a it thrown at first, but then I remembered what I did and I told her who I was. Blur lah. Tried to do the same thing at the debate booth, but Yasmeen saw my name later and struck it off.

Went for Learning Journeys at the Art Museum. No comment.

Thursday: Arsenal booted Real Madrid out of the European Cup by aggregate, so I hypothesized that Nordin would be in a relatively good mood, and to prove my point, I skipped his training that day. Sure enough, he didn't say anything today, although Rozie says it might be because the Year 1 Soccer boys had an exhibition match with the Year 3s and he totally forgot about us. The point is I didn't get into trouble. Today everyone, 05S15 guys included, bore witness to a testament of Sean's true power, when he took the ball and pushed past four opponents and floored the fifth by merely running into him. He ran into I forgot who and he just stood there for a while looking at the poor dude winded on the floor, and then he went to touchdown. I think now my accident has been justified.

Today's rugby wasn't bad. Didn't get injured, partially due to the fact that I was on Sean's team and KC wasn't playing, but I had fun today.

And I was asked to mention someone in this entry so here goes:



Pwnage Quotes 7

Miss Yap suddenly approaches me during GP last week:

Yap: Yes, Russell! What was your famous last name?
Russ: Er... Chander.
Y: Yes Chander. Do you know your surename is famous?
R: Yeah, because of you lah! (in reference to the time she had Varella call me out for sleeping in front of LT1, when I wasn't even sleeping)
Y: No do you know your name is a famous road? Named after your grandfather or something?
R: Yeah that's why I jaywalk there all the time, cuz its my grandfather's road


Mdm Ng was asking if anybody wanted to go for the career fair during Civics:

Ng: So ni men yao qu mah? (So does anybody wanna go?)
Ah Boy: Mai (Don't want)
Ng: Okie mai (Okie, nobody wants)
Chingx: Huh yao mai shen me? (Huh we have to buy something?)


Kah Chou was the first scheming babi, and Alex has been the second one ever since we caught him charging his handphone in the ODAC Room. Now our third scheming babi is Justin, as proven today before Maths lecture:

KC: You know our canteen chicken rice isn't bad. Outside shop jia fan (add rice) is 20 cents, but here jia fan is free.
Justin: Then you ask the auntie "Ji fan without the fan duo shao?" (How much is chicken rice without the rice) So say it's 80 cents. Then you jia fan lah!