Thursday, June 30, 2005

Crazy terrorists...

I was reading Time just now, where they actually managed to get an interview with a terrorist in training. According to him, he will offer up a final prayer before his first (and last) suicide mission. While he waits for that moment, he spends much of that time rehearsing that last prayer. This is all true, by the way.

"First I will ask Allah to bless my mission with a high rate of casualties amongst the Americans. Then I will ask him to purify my soul so I am fit to see him, and I will ask to see my mujahaedin brothers who are already with him... The most important thing is that he should let me kill many Americans... I can't wait. I am ready to die now."

Wtf? These idiots still think God wants them to do this. Like He will grant anything in that prayer. If he wants to die he can just pop a round in his head for all I care.


Yes thank you Alex I was just getting to updating my blog. Of all people, you would know how busy we've been these few days. :P

Lemme see if I can recap everything that happened since last entry. Last Sunday was the last day of the school holidays and the day before the June Common Tests. So naturally you would find me at TM after church trying to enjoy the last vestiges of my short-lived freedom with the Teens Connect gang, in specific, Edwin, Cheryl, Joseph Jr., Sam, David, Joan, my sis and I. Wheee illegal gathering! Ate at Pizza Hut, then practically ran loose at Toys R Us in an attempt to relive our childhood by having lightsaber duels and posing for funny but spastic pictures. It's there that we (or I at least) realised something; that more emphasis in the toys genre is being pushed over to video games, and it's sad. That gave me an idea for a new motion for debates when we have practice rounds again: THBT conventional toys will eventually succumb to the evergrowing popularity of video games. Kool eh? Oh yah... met Regina at Breeks. She still works there, but only once a week cuz of poly.

Common tests sucked hard. Didn't study properly, which was a waste cuz the physics paper would've been easy if I did. Well I'm glad that's over with... After physics paper went to catch War Of The Worlds with Alex, KX, Cai Tao and Ah Bush (hi!), and it turns out that HK's gang and the 05S15 (Alex and my class) gang of guys were in the same movie as us. The movie was wicked! Scarier than House of Wax (that means some people won't see liaoz...hahaha...) Then the gang of us (must have been at least 15 of us) went to walk around TM, and a few of us went to raid Toys R Us (deja vu...) And KX even suggested eating at Pizza Hut. Wahaha what a coincidence... Then went to Siglap CC to shoot a few hoops, but it started raining, so we went to the Youth Room to play pool and slack :P Until I had to go...

So now I'm here, slacking at home. Have to go clean up my room, cuz it's so messy it's embarrassing. I can't bring anyone to my house anymore! And there's Chinese listening compre tml, so have to listen to Chinese radio stations later :P

Thursday, June 23, 2005

I screwed up my debate and I think I'll reward myself with new speakers

I just got back from school and I'm bushed. Had a friendly with MJC debate team today. Must be the most serious friendly ever. Dunno if we can even call it a debate cuz it was exactly like a formal one, and they managed to get Mark Gabriels down as adjudicator. FYI Mark Gabriels is one of the debating authorities here. My side won, and I thought I made a good point at one time, but in my speech I was going fine until at the last bit I said sth so stupid it was probably enough to earn a place on the Wall of Shame alongside CJC's "China is made of sugar and spice and everything nice" statement. Lucky it's just a friendly, but a screwup like that in front of Mark Gabriels is sth I don't need. Well now that that's over I can get over worrying about the friendly and start worrying about my common test.

I need to dogproof my room. Chuckie's been chewing everything he can lately, like my homework, my Chemistry TYS, my box of backup CDs and my computer's speaker wires, which was why they suddenly stopped working yesterday. At least I've an excuse to get new ones, although I hope my parents will lend me $$ cuz I seriously don't have enough for any. Think I'll go ballistic on this one and get Altec Lansing. Pretty bold statement for a broke guy, but yah. Won't make the mistake I did last time when I got the cheapest Creative speakers I could find ($30). Well I guess I should go read up on some different makes.

Tuesday, June 21, 2005

Computer games and life

Don't you sometimes wish that life was just one big computer game, so that if you mess something up real bad you could just reboot your game and start again from the last save point?

I wish I was still in Perth

Well I managed to get the audio working. FFVII theme! Love it.

I'm still trying to adjust to the weather here in Singapore. Being on holiday in Perth for a week can do that to you. The weather there is frigid, going as low as 3 degrees on some days. But it's usually cool and I miss that. Nevertheless I'm still kinda thankful for our weather. And my lips still haven't fully recovered from the cold...

Strangely enough, I didn't miss my phone and my computer as much as I thought I would have during the trip. I'm talking about missing as in out of necessity, as in "Where the hell's my mom? I wish I had my phone to call her." Mind you we did lose her a few times at the flea markets. And I wasn't that thrilled when I finally found time to go down to the computer terminal in the hotel apartment lobby to check my mail, except that I finally got to talk to Jas for the 1st time in a while (a rather short-lived convo...)

Common tests are in less than a week and I only just started studying. I'm in deep shit if I don't do something drastic soon. Even Gaps has started studying, and if you know Gaps you'd know that's saying something. Supposed to go meet him at the MP library to study but I think by the time I get there he's probably done for the day and gone off with some girl. Sian...

Initial D the movie comes out on Thursday. I wanna go watch it, but it's a bit too close to CTs for comfort, and I've spent enough for this holiday. I didn't get pocket money for this month so that means I'm about $100 below my comfortable level. So that means I can't wait for school to start so I get my monthly dough, but that means having to face the CTs. That's like waiting for Christmas with dread cuz you have to sit thruogh your promos first. Well that's life I guess

IQ Test

Your IQ Is 105

Your Logical Intelligence is Above Average
Your Verbal Intelligence is Above Average
Your Mathematical Intelligence is Genius
Your General Knowledge is Average

Found this in Cheryl's blog. She got 115. Dammit.

Monday, June 20, 2005

Another blog...

Well I've finally made the move to blogspot from OD. Not that it hasn't been fun, I just've been thinking about moving for a while. Made this account ages ago but never did anything else cuz I got tired of updating entries. Saw this coming ever since I started on OD: I'd eventually reach a point where I'd get tired of keeping a diary, partially cuz nobody ever posts comments.

Well I'm gonna push myself this time to post as many entries as possible, hopefully on a daily basis. This is Blogger, so thanks to a thing called single-page archiving I won't look dumb posting short entries. This kinda helps me keep track of my thoughts too, so it's good for me.