Wednesday, December 27, 2006

Smells like cigarettes in here

Q: Which church group is the only church group where you can have a chalet and not do anything spiritual at all?

A: Only Teens Connect. Woohoo!

Not that it's anything bad, it's just something I realised just now, thinking about the chalet. And how I wish it was still on. Some of us had this idea that if we finished school and were still single then we would get a place together, and the chalet was almost exactly how I imagined it to be, except for the bunking in with each other bit.

Got to Aloha Loyang on the 22nd afternoon and met Tim. And then I started cleaning the place up before the others arrived. Funny thing is that I never do housework at ome, and here I am mopping the floor! Wow! Well the others started coming; Jul with loads of food, Joe with his Xbox, Cheryl with her Diablo, which almost nobody knew she played until that day, Victor with his reading light which he just bought from Ikea that day, and blah blah everyone else. Nothing much to do on that day except Soul Calibur and Game Of Life, which is enough for me considering the good company I'm in, and could be better if some of the others could have come, like Edwin and Kevin and Su and Mel, but she came the next day, so no big deal. KFC for dinner, and we could've ordered but Nick pointed out that we could make use of Clarissa's employee discount if they walked to Downtown East to buy. Hehe scheming....

We were watching Family Guy during dinner. Hilariou as usual. Tim and Gabriel were playing endless Soul Calibur and Game of Life, I dunno why they don't get sick of it. Cheryl and Small Joe came later with a camera, thank God. And Big Joe had to leave, which meant that we would have three people worth of uneaten food left over for the barbecue the next day. Rrrgh....

At some point that night, Jul, Cher, Big Joe and I were having a fruitful private conversation, like those thing you have to talk about but isn't really appropriate for such a fun occasion but then you realise that it's not so bad when you have good friends to talk about such stuff. Jul started a sorceress on Cher's Diablo, but somehow Victor ended up playing her character and ultimately taking over her, and that was before they got to the Blood Raven bitch, so you'd be able to surmise that Jul didn't get to play much. Waschatting with Victor about Hitman, which is a topic I've always had in common with him. I had played the Blood Money demo and was telling him how chio it was, and he was lamenting about how his machine would not be able to support it, especially when I told him I had to set the game to the absolute lowest specifications. Spent the night doing other random stuff, which included rumaging through each others' phones to see if we could find anything scandalous. Yeap, we were that bored, and boredom was never such fun until then. :D

The chalet wasn't say very big. It was the garden terrace, which is the smallest you can find in Aloha Loyang, but it was necessary for budget reasons. There were six beds and nine people. It wasn't that bad at first (we initially had seven people) until Desmond showed up after work with his new girlfriend at one in the morning and wanted to play mahjong. I was pretty grumpy at that time (and so was Des) but we (Jul, Des and I) played a few rounds and talked a bit before we started knocking out one by one.

Didn't feel like waking up in the morning, but Ihad to eventually cuz people were incesantly calling me asking me how to get there, plus the BBQ delivery guy arrived and I had to go pay him. I dunno why I was so tired but I was drifting in and out of sleep the whole day, until I told myself I had to get up. Had to start the barbecue anyway. Yeah I was sleeping for that long.

It was only when I had gotten the charcoal and everything to the pit when I remembered one important thing: I didn't know how to start a fire. Thinking back, I think it did occur to me, and I had decided to let Big Joe handle it. But since that douchebag wasn't around, I guess I had to take a whack at it. So I used what smatterings of knowledge I had fom observing Alex and other pros at starting barbcue fires and I attempted to rustle one up. Truth be told, it most probably would've died had Nick not come to the rescue. And when the fire was up, I remembered another thing: I couldn't cook. I remembered the 3/4 cooked chicken wings I made last time, so I figured the girls would be more suited to this. Come to think of it, I should've seized the opportunity to practice. Ah well.

When Joe said he wasn't coming, which meant more uneaten food, I shrugged it off, but I didn't imagine it would be this much. There was a LOT of leftover food. Now we need to have another barbecue to finish that off. And nobody touched the ketupat and satay sauce. Guess I was wrong about that. Later that night, Jul, Mel, Cher, Victor and I went to buy drinks at Downtown, and they were singing carols all the way. I was never a caroller; the only lines I know in "12 Days Of Christmas" is the 5 golden rings and the cartridge in the pantry or whatever, plus I lost the Christmas spirit sometime in secondary school. So I just listened and was thoroughly amused.

Sometimes I think the reason why I stick out liek a sore thumb is I don't let loose and mingle when I should, most probaby due to trust issues. But TC is one group of people I'll never feel weird with.

Except when they were singing "Chestnuts Roasting On An Open Fire". I genuinely have no clue how that song goes.

Apparently Mel's a drunken fighter, cuz we were drinking vodka 7-up and she kicked my ass in Soul Calibur. How embarrassing.

And Small Joe scored the most retarded goal in Fifa '06 history by literally walking in the goal with the ball, but I prefer to call it style. Nick got in on camera an then accidentally deleted it. Rrrrgh.

We more or less ended up in the same beds as the last night, only a lot less sleep, cuz we had to bloody check out at 0930 in the morning. Can't they fix that rule? Can't we book out a maybe noon so we can sleep in? People are busy staying up and having a good time, ever thought about that?!

And now it's over. Sigh. Well at least I have pictures. Cheryl was busy compressing them cuz her camera was too good (it's so good I can see some of her pimples), but apparently she only compressed the pictures she wasn't in, so she's still in full 7 megapixel glory. Sheesh.

Oh yah happy 15th to Kim! lol

Ah those were the days. Hmmm.....

Tuesday, December 19, 2006

Random Thoughts 13

In response to all the "hannor"s and the like in my tag board.


Just realised that I haven't blogged about prom.

Food was alright. A bit rich. And Rod Monteiro was entertaining. Wonder if he'll recognise me at Dylan's next birthday. The whole deal was fun. Moreso than MJC's prom, so I've heard. We had Ritz Carlton, they had Pan Pacific. We had Rod, they had a nobody. We had a DJ and professional photographers, they had the school band and the photography club. So rarely do I get something that TPJC as that's better than MJC that I can use to rub into Big Joe's face, cuz he was harping on about MJ's second place finish in soccer for a while. So yes, I'm enjoying every moment of it. So the 21st council turned out to be good for something. They looked so unpromising during elections.

My class saboed me to be table leader for some inter table game, and to be prom king nominee. Sheesh...


Lol didn't recognise Chern Hui at first glance

S15 sent two contestants! Wahaha

Yeah I don't smile much

Dunno when Alex took this. Eergh...

Ah tired lah updte some more another day.