Tuesday, December 19, 2006

Random Thoughts 13

In response to all the "hannor"s and the like in my tag board.


Just realised that I haven't blogged about prom.

Food was alright. A bit rich. And Rod Monteiro was entertaining. Wonder if he'll recognise me at Dylan's next birthday. The whole deal was fun. Moreso than MJC's prom, so I've heard. We had Ritz Carlton, they had Pan Pacific. We had Rod, they had a nobody. We had a DJ and professional photographers, they had the school band and the photography club. So rarely do I get something that TPJC as that's better than MJC that I can use to rub into Big Joe's face, cuz he was harping on about MJ's second place finish in soccer for a while. So yes, I'm enjoying every moment of it. So the 21st council turned out to be good for something. They looked so unpromising during elections.

My class saboed me to be table leader for some inter table game, and to be prom king nominee. Sheesh...


Lol didn't recognise Chern Hui at first glance

S15 sent two contestants! Wahaha

Yeah I don't smile much

Dunno when Alex took this. Eergh...

Ah tired lah updte some more another day.