Thursday, January 25, 2007

Damn cough

Gym is hell. Somehow I'm getting the feeling that I'm going backwards instead of improving, or maybe it just seems that way cuz I can't keep up with Dhana anymore. Sean somehow managed to build out his moobs pretty quickly. And he hardly has any fats (well, neither does Karthik, I guess, but he's different). Then it occured to us one day why: cuz he's a *insert expletive here* vegan. It was quite obvious, come to think of it.

I keep running into David Lee at the Tampines gym these days. Haven't seen a lot of the 4E1 people these days. Oh, but I did see Zahirah at TP today. And it seems to me that everytime I'm at TP, we're always going to ITAS to eat. Haven't tried the other places yet. The cafeteria at Business school is always so *insert expletive here* packed.

Dhana gave me a kickstart in guitar a few weeks ago, and frankly I haven't een doing much about it. I wanted more expsure, so Dhana asked me to follow them jamming on Saturday. I thought it would be fun, and then he tells me he wants me to do vocals.


I have no clue where he got any impression that I could sing. I myself dunno if I can sing at least competently, but I like to think that I'm at least not tone deaf. He said no pressure, and I thought "Alright, no pressure." Then a few sentences later, he says he wants to redo the Friendster page for Re-entry (that's the band) and list me as a vocalist.

*insert expletive here*

No pressure, eh?

I have this overwhelming feeling that he's pulling my leg. He's always doing shit like this.

I've finally found Half-Life 2 and Episode One! Haha! At good ol' Comics Connection, where they even open the packaging then and there to let you inspect the CD for scratches. You can't rely on *insert expletive here* Challenger anymore. They're too busy cashing on the Xbox 360 to bother keeping up with the latest titles. So critically aclaimed games like Bully and Extraction Point won't be found there, but they'll have crap games like Jaws. Jaws! *insert expletive here*

Cute Boy just called me to play pool with the other S15 guys, and he asked me to bring my SAFRA card. How does everyone know I have a SAFRA card? And if that got around fast, then why can't the fact that it's expired spread around too. I had to tell Pai Kia and Ray a few times. No more discounts!

But turns out you need a SAFRA card to play at SAFRA. So yeah. If only the pool hall at Pavillion didn't *insert expletve here* close down.

Kim's flooding my tag board. What's worse is she's using my name and she's making it look like we're aguing in the tag board. Haha... arguing in a tag board. "Kim, lemme use the com. I wanna argue with you." Ahahahaha!!!

Monday, January 22, 2007

Yo momma's so dumb, when she missed the number 14 bus, she took two 7s *yeah*

It figures that the one time I prayed for a soccer match, it doesn't help. Helping Man U beat Arsenal would've strengthened my faith in God, but nooooo....

Well at least Chelsea lost, so we're still six points up. I'm grateful for that. We all are.

Watched the Liverpool Chelsea match at Sahara, because Dinesh had to come so *insert expletive here* late that we couldn't go into Bumblebeez when there was no cover charge and get the chop like Aftar did. Frankly, I'd rather go DXO or Attica once in a while. Met Karthik's friend, Daryl, or Darren.

I feel guilty about not getting a job, but I have less than two months left, and I wanna enjoy. Plus I'm serious about this whole training thing. Just hope it's enough. And in my defence, most jobs won't take me since I'm leaving soon.

Yvonne and Ben showed up for yesterday's meeting. Must buy 4D. And Emmanuel suddenly and finally decided to join. Dunno why.

Went to the TP Open House on Friday, but only to meet Dhana, Karthik, Sean and Nirej before going to the gym. Quite happening, but they said that previous years have been better. Supposed to watch Karthik play on Saturday, cuz they had a mini concert, but I overslept. *insert expletive here*

Yes, I am making an attempt to be less vulgar. At least around those who are sensitive or allergic to profanities.

My week was otherwise pretty boring, so yeah shan't bore you with it. If you were part of said boring section of my week and strongly feel otherwise, please tag me.

Sunday, January 14, 2007

There's still some more room in your nose *yeah*

I now realise that whenever I rant I sound like an immature spiteful creature, that says things without thinking.

Desmond told me he had an opening for me at Indochine. He said it paid $6.50 an hour, there's a morning and evening shift, and I would get the job. It paid $5.50 an hour, there was only an evening shift, and I didn't get the job cuz NS is in two months. Ah just as well. Would've interfered with my gym regiment, plus I have this fear of working in the F&B line. I was ready to suck it up for Indochine as I kind of liked the atmosphere, but my mom said that Billy Bombers at TM had openings and I didn't want it. Some part of me wishes I was back in school.

Yesterday was Dhana's birthday celebration, and nearly the entire Indian Brotherhood was there, except for Aftar (spelling?) who had work I think, and Billy, who's in confinment cuz he broke a chair by sitting on it. Cut a cake at his house, then went to Pizza Hut for dinner, then went to Bumblebeez at Clarke Quay. Bloody packed, so later we went to Sahara for sheeshah. Wheeeee.... Does sheeshah constitute to smoking? Can someone answer this question definitely? Chillies had no cover charge, but it was a budget joint. Bumblebeez had a $20 cover an was crammmmmed. Sheesh.

Emmanuel waited for Cheryl to be done with the Youth Council meeting today, so I had to walk with the two of them to TM to meet the rest. Freaking weird.

I haven't the mood to do a ot of things nowadays. All my friends have lives and I don't wanna bother any of them. The friends I don't mind bothering, well they've got their own lives and they sem busy enough, and sometimes it's just not appropriate. Right now it's just Dhana, Karthik, Sean and I think maybe Rajiv for gymming and swimming. Those guys are great; just hope the rest don't run off on some quest to achieve Nirvana and then forget to meet up once in a while.

I'm getting the feeling that she doesn't like me very much.

Wednesday, January 03, 2007

Random Thoughts 14 (What's so happy and new about it?)

2007 eh?


Quick question: When you're wandering around town with a group of friends going shopping or Kboxing or whatever it is you do in town, and you see this guy walking alone with no company except his MP3 player, does anybody start to feel sorry for him, or start thinking that he's a friendless loser? Well I certainly felt like one on the 31st, cuz I had alot to do and noone to do it with. Briefly, haircut at TM, had to go buy Norton a Eastpoint cuz there's something wrong with the software update, and then went to Marina Square to see if I could get my Nano fixed. They said I had to wait for an hour for them to charge the battery and determine the problem. After an eventless hour of wandering around (which is when I started to feel really stupid) they told me that repairs plus a 3 month warranty would cost $140, and it would be better if I got a new player (at about $300+ I'd reckon) with a two year warranty. So I took back my player, mentally told the lady to go screw herself, verbally thanked her and left.


That reminds me: whenever I'm calling somone to go out and hang or anything, and they say "No", especially if they always say no, I'll end the call with "Okie, bye" and a "Fuck you" as I hang up. I wonder if anyone has heard me say that as a result of me hanging up too slowly.


So for a guy living in Tampines (technically Bedok but effectively Tampines) to go to Marina Square and achieve nothing and come back, it's an infuriating waste of time. Luckily for me, I remembered that there's a HMV at City Link Mall, so I bought a few overdue albums (including City Of Evil)


I think it's become official that there's something seriously wrong with my D drive, cuz I coudn't rip my songs when I got home, and I can't reinstall Half Life (I'm sick of Carbon and Sims). Aargh....


New Year's countdown found me at Jul's house, but unlike the other times I'm there, that day was totally uneventful. Maybe going to the class countdown would've been a better idea.


SBS was rather promt and on the ball whenit cane to charging adult fares. When I went to Jul's house on the 31st, student fare. On the way home on the 1st at 11 am, adult fare. I've been training for this and getting used to tapping my card when I alight so I wouldn't forget to do so when the adult fares kick in like some people I know.


Met Dhana, Karthik, Dinesh and Inderpal on the night of the first. Long time since I've seen them. Simpang as usual, although this time I tried the roti john cuz the prata guy was being a dick. Mushroom cheese rocks! Go try it.

Had one of those looooong chats after dinner. It's amazing, as Dhana noted, how we can "surf" conversation topics and still keep going and going. Hope I remember to settle the owling thing on Saturday with them.


Apparently Karthik's GPA is 3.7 (or somewere there) and Dinesh is on the Director's List (I was on the VP's Long Hair List once). And here I am fighting just to pass. Told Cheryl about one of my recurring dreams (there's more than one), the one with me getting back my results. She had those dreams too apparently, but that notion doesn't make me feel better. I've been running fallback plans through my head should I not score enough to make it to the U, including retaking during NS, the four of us opening a club, going overseas to pursue a degree while paying off my tuition fees by working as a bartender (Desmond's idea), or just going to Poly (probably the scariest o all these scary notions). I can scrap that idea of opening a Tamiya shop with Kit, cuz that craze died years ago, and that idea of opening a car upgrade/fabrication joint with Big Joe, cuz that douchebag would rather open it with his girlfriend (he'll make her do the undercarriage work).


The potluck on the 2nd at Jul's wasn't as cracked up as I thought it would be, but still not bad. Good food, too much good food, and Jul's DVD player overheated so we didn't finish the 40-year-old Virgin.


The people of Teens Connect are some of the nicest friends I'll ever have, but I'm starting to get fucking irritated with some of them. Dunno why I bother asking everyone to hang when it's always the same gang. Should just stick with them. Some whom I used to regard as good friends are now like any other friend, and over the past few months my group of good friends within the group has changed. Some seem like good friends, but they only hang with you when it's convenient for them, or when they have nobody else better to hang with, or if their significant other isn't in the country. Well fuck you.

And the other people who are fucking twisted in their heads, imature, don't give a fuck about what their true freinds or parents say, and don't seem to give a shit about the group anymore. What, you think this is a fucking chalet and you can come and go as you like? We're a legitimate church ministry and we can't affored to be bugged by the likes of you and have our reputation tarnished because of it. We leave the door open for anyone, but we don't appreciate it when you take the door and bash our noses in with it. We'll do our best to help you, but if you refuse to listen and wake up to reality then you can get fucked for all I care.


I need a job. Anyone know of a job willing to employ me for 2 months?

Tuesday, January 02, 2007

IQ Test

Testriffic IQ test

Heh heh... got this from Cheryl's blog and I couldn't resist. She got 132. I rule!

And me saying it here means that someone's gonna try and top that, and I'm sure they will. Well go for it lol